Friday, September 11, 2009

Feedback from my Celtic Treasure interview

I've already had some very interesting feedback from my first American interview in under 24 hours! God bless social networking and the Internet. It's interesting that folk responded to this blog and my radio interview on Facebook. Maybe people don't like writing comments on blogs any more. I don't mind, because I just love to hear from folk and right now Facebook is buzzing. Here are some of the comments posted:

"Great interview I appreciated the comments about the Celtic Christians enjoying community and the simple things in life as that seems to be where God is calling many of us. Both of your comments on mission reminded me of George G. Hunter III's book, The Celtic Way of Evangelism, emphasizing the Celtic way of community mission vs. the Roman model. I hope we do see more of that here in the states as it seems more scriptural to me. Isn't it interesting that such an ancient Christian way can seem so odd to our US churches and yet we often stand so proudly as the leader of the "correct" way of doing things. The interview was refreshing. Thank you for the insights. I hope many enjoy this "quiet little book." Susan Gaddis (USA)

"Your book arrived yesterday and it's beautiful! That's not only true outwardly (the pics and thick coated paper and artwork), but inwardly too (the poems and prayers and stories)! Keltic Ken sent me the link for the interview you and he just finished -- I so enjoyed that! Now I'm looking forward to interviewing you more than ever for my blog (" Chris Monroe (Pastor in California)

"Hi Liz.. up late working here - thought I'd take a break and have a quick listen to the interview.. I thought it gave a really good overview of the book and where you are coming from. I pray that it gets in to the hands of many many people as I'm sure God will speak to them through it.. Blessings!" Andy Green." (UK musician)

1 comment:

  1. It was fascinating how Susan Gaddis drew a connection between your new book and something George Hunter III wrote about almost a decade ago - namely how different the ancient Celtic Christian understanding of community and mission were from the "Roman" model that modern evangelicalism in particular has embraced for the last three centuries. Perhaps like Susan, I see ancient Celtic Christianity's emphasis on "belonging" before "believing" not only consistent with the Gospel record, but very much needed in today's world. The rugged individualism that has plagued western American culture indeed comes with a tragic form of arrogance and superiority that cannot easily learn from Christianity's ancient past. However, this "wall" has already begun to crumble and a growing number of American evangelicals in particular are discovering that the path into the future runs through the past.

    Thank you, Liz, for writing Celtic Treasure. May God use it to spark this conversation in ways and places yet to be seen.


    Chris Monroe


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