Monday, August 3, 2009

Beautiful prayer posted by Andy Phillips

Hi folks, am back from Scotland now, but have had a nasty sickness bug that I'm still recovering from. Will post up some photos, soon, from what was an amazing dance conference. But in the meantime, here is a wonderful prayer posted by Andy Phillips on this blog:

As the setting sun reddens the western sky, we bless you;
As the moon rises in the east to greet the coming night, we worship you;
As another day draws to an end and the evening stars appear, we praise you.
This night the seas will rise and sweep clean sands whose beauty has been marred by restless footsteps;
Restore your image in us, Lord, as we sleep, which we have wounded by our foolishness and greed;
Bless and protect us, Lord, and those we love;
Grant us a quiet night and a perfect end, so may we greet you, come the dawn, with hearts and minds made new.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there everyone!

    More prayers from our Cetic Christian fellowship will be found at .

    Oll an gwella

    Andy Phillips
    Tas a'n Gowethas
    Cowethas Peran Sans


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