Tuesday, December 29, 2009

'Smooring the Fire' Prayer

The Celts believed that God was with them in every aspect of their daily lives. Whatever the task or time of day, there was a special prayer to be said.  I love this 'Smooring the Fire' prayer as it reminds me of families gathering together around the fire at Christmas and New Year. With all the snow we've had here in the UK and more on the way, I think many of us will be turning up our heating or throwing extra logs on the fire as we huddle together to keep warm.

Smooring the Fire
The sacred Three
To save,
To surround
The hearth,
The household,
This eve,
This night,
Oh! this eve,
This night,
And every night,
Each single night.
(from Carmina Gadelica p.32 Celtic Treasure)


  1. I especially love the "night" prayers :)

  2. Thanks, Ken. Yes, I rather love the night prayers, too. It is simple, but it does speak volumes, Susan, you're right.


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