Monday, January 4, 2010

Did the Celtic Saints make New Year Resolutions?

I very much doubt that the Celtic Saints made New Year resolutions! But I am convinced that these missionary wanderers had long-term goals and aims - to make Christ known. And were they successful? Spectacularly! Britain would not have been a Christian country without them. St Aidan (pictured holding the torch of the Gospel) and St Cuthbert, for example, from their mission base on Lindisfarne (the monastery), were responsible for spreading the Christian faith across the whole of Britain. 
We have much to learn from those who have gone before us in the faith:
Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
(Jeremiah 6:16 NIV)


  1. I have to aggree with you Liz! I don't think the early Celtic farthers would have made new years resolutions. I blieve that they would have held their faith and spiritual beliefs true in each day of their lives and looked only to live each day to the best of their ability and for the glory of their god. Blessings to you Craig Martin

  2. That's right, Craig. Thanks for your wise comment.

  3. That's kinda nice to hear considering I've never been good at keeping mine!

    Suzanna McMahan

  4. Celtic New Years resolutions? Maybe, but they would have done that but way back on November 14 on the verge of the Celtic Advent.

    Duke Vipperman

  5. Yes, it is reassuring, Suzanna!
    Yes, Duke, the dates would have been different. Thanks for your comments.


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